Topical Cataract Surgery with Lens Implantation


Cataract is a condition where the natural lens in the eye becomes cloudy and hard causing unclear vision and disturbance in daily lifestyle. The condition is also called Motiabind in India and it can happen to even new born babies. A comprehensive examination is needed to diagnose Cataract. It is an irreversible chemical reaction and surgery is the only treatment option.


Cataract is a progressive condition and as it is age related, people mistake it for ageing symptoms. It is painless and causes blurriness in vision on various degrees. The degree of symptoms can be very mild to as extreme that it may cause problems in doing everyday tasks.

  • Blurry vision
  • Problems in night vision
  • Glares and flashes at night while driving and other normal activities
  • Frequent change in prescription eye glasses
  • Change in vision colour intensity
  • Yellowing of images
  • Double vision (in rare cases)