Glaucoma Clinic

What is Glucoma ?

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good vision. This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye.

Types Of Glucoma

  1. Open – Angle Glaucoma
  2. Closed – Angle Glaucoma
1. Open Angle Glucoma

Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type where the loss of vision is gradual and painless. Both eyes can be affected simultaneously, although one might be affected more than the other. At times, much of your eyesight can be affected before you observe a change.

  • Gradual diminution of vision with blurred or foggy vision.
  • Frequent change of eye-glass with no significant improvement in vision.
  • Mild chronic headache, scotomas in peripheral visual field.
  • Coloured halos around lights
2. Closed -angle glucoma

Closed Angle Glaucoma : in certain individuals, the angle from where fluid drains from the eye is genetically narrow. It can be blocked suddenly due to many reasons resulting in sudden increase in eye pressure.

  • Severe pain in the eye with headache and facial pain.
  • Sudden blurring of vision.
  • Cloudy vision with halos around the lights.
  • Redness in the eye with nausea and vomiting.

Glucoma Treatment

As damage to nerve caused by increased intraocular pressure cannot be reversed, the aim of the treatment is to prevent or reduce further damage to the optic nerve. The main aim is to lower the eye pressure. Initially, doctor prescibes you eye drops and/ or oral medication to decrease the eye pressure. If glaucoma is not controlled with the help of medicines or if the side effects of the medicines are not well tolerated or the patient is non-compliant or cannot afford the cost of the medicines, the next option is Laser treatment and /or surgery.

have best glaucoma doctors in Delhi/ NCR.


Your doctor will prescribe you certain medication (Eye drops and tablets) so as to lower your eye pressure. You must use the medicines regularly as directed by your ophthalmologist. You should not stop medicines even if you do not have symptoms. A regular follow up, as advised by your doctor, is mandatory. At tusya Eye Hospital,we are a team of experienced glaucoma specialists in vadodara. Get connected us for start your treatment


At Tusya Eye Hospital, we offer some of the best laser treatments for glaucoma. Our team specialises in treatment of extreme cases of glaucoma. Laser procedures are the most common treatment for glaucoma. There are various types of laser treatments available and based on the condition, a suitable treatment is recommended.

1. YAG Laser Peripheral Iridotomy

A small opening is made in the iris so that the stagnant fluid finds a way to the anterior chamber, the front portion of the eye, and subsequently drained off. This is an OPD procedure, done under local anesthetic drops and takes only a few minutes to be completed. After the laser, you can wash your eye with water and can lead a normal life.

2. Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty

When applied at the drainage area, the laser causes small burns, which contract to open up the block. It is the most common treatment for open angle glaucoma.

3. Diode Laser Cycloablation

In this the laser is applied on the area, which produces fluid in the eye. It can be used if the IOP is too high and is intractable. Your treating doctor will decide which laser is suitable for you.

4. Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

This is a new type of laser, which does not cause any thermal burn in the eye and may be called “COLD LASER”. It stimulates the autoimmune system of the eye to clear the block in the drainagearea without damaging the surrounding delicate tissues. SLT is a painless OPD procedure, which takes a few minutes to be completed. One can resume normal activities immediately after the laser. If necessary it can be safely repeated without damaging the eye.


At Tusy Eye Hospital, we offer two types of operative procedures for treatment of glaucoma- Glaucoma Filtering Microsurgery or “By-pass” and Tube Shunt Drainage Devices ( VALVE) for glaucoma. Operative Procedures is the only option left for patients in whom the eye pressure is not controlled with medication or laser. It is also the treatment of choice in non-compliant patients, and in infants and children with glaucoma.


Filtering microsurgery or By-Pass surgery involves creating a drainage hole with the use of a small surgical tool, to bypass the blockage in the eye’s trabecular meshwork (the eye’s drainage system). This opening helps increase the flow of fluid out of the eye and thereby reduce the eye pressure.


This is a flexible glaucoma drainage device that is implanted in eye to divert the fluid inside the eye from inside of the eye to an external reservoir thereby decreasing the eye pressure. AGV ( Ahmad Glaucoma Valve ) and AADI ( Aurolab Aqueous Drainage Implant ) are the popular ones.