Physiotherapy Centre

Tusya physiotherapy points human potential through a proactive way to deal with wellness and health. We offer a wide range of services and methods of treatment to musculoskeletal problems ranging from general aches, Frozen Shoulder, knees injury, orthopedic surgery and pains to complex sports injuries.

The range of treatment options we have available to help with your condition include:

  • Manual therapy techniques (joint mobilization, manipulations)
  • Soft tissue techniques (myofascial release, trigger point techniques, muscle energy techniques, stretches, PNF)
  • Patient-specific exercise prescriptions
  • Structured exercise classes and plan(back class, leg class, ACL reconstruction class, shoulder class, osteoarthritis class, individually tailored plan )
  • Advice and education
  • Chronic pain management advice
  • Functional restoration plan for those with long standing pain
  • Electrotherapy